Monday, February 28, 2011

59/365 Cool Rider Baby

Linc cruising in his new ride. (I couldn't just pick one that I loved!)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

58/365 Family Togetherness

Can you feel the love?

This next picture is just a quick snap I took. I shot in auto mode with the on board flash (gasp) because I had already put my speedlite away. Anyway Linc has been pulling himself up for almost a month and cruising about here and there, but lately he has been trying to stand on his own. All day today he has been letting go and trying to balance himself. Grant and I timed it and he stood for a full 6 seconds. Now, that may not sound like a lot but let's all just sit a moment and count 6 Mississippis to ourselves

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

Three Mississippi

Four Mississippi

Five Mississippi

Six Mississippi

Pretty impressive, no?

(BTW after typing Mississippi so many times it has started to feel like a nonsense word to me; what a silly word!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

57/365 Hold Still Baby!

It is getting so hard to take Linc's picture. I love my 50mm but I seriously need like a 30mm or 35mm b/c it is so hard to get far enough away from this kid. He comes right at me and he is quick! If I'm on the floor he wants to crawl all over me.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Here he is distracted by the fireplace. He was getting up on his tip toes to but the handle in his mouth:

And here he is saying "OK mom I'll hold still for 3 seconds, so make it quick!":

Notice the 2 scratches on his little head? Poor thing was pulling up on the recliner and fell and hit the metal underneath on his way down. Don't worry we gave him lots of kisses and he felt better.

Friday, February 25, 2011

56/365 Sheraton Fun Times

I took some pictures for Angie's employee party at the Sheraton so no pictures of Lincoln today. But here is my beautiful sister:

They had a photo booth. It was super fun!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

55/365 Dinner Time Baby

So as we were getting ready for dinner Linc was roaming the kitchen trying to get into as much trouble as possible. Here he is getting into a a cabinet. I think it is definitely time we do some child proofing around the house:

A little pre-dinner snack, puffs! Lincoln really likes them, but he still hasn't gotten the pincer grasp down quite yet, so he really has to have a good plan of attack. Here he is thinking over some strategies:

"LOOK MOM! I got one!!!"

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Now, I actually hate the pictures of babies with food all over their face. I think they are pretty gross looking and it really isn't much different b/c it is my kid. However, I think that I'm obligated as a mom to take these. Linc usually isn't such a messy eater, but I think he is getting bored with the purees.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

54/365 Shrieking Baby

Lincoln was in a good mood all day (according to Grant and Angela). Apparently Angela and he spent a considerable amount of time shrieking back and forth at each other while I was at work today. Angie would shriek and he would crack up and shriek back at her. Of course when I got home from work they had to show me their routine. It was hilarious!

I realize that there is a slight head chop, but sometimes it is hard to get far enough away from him to avoid it b/c he likes being right next to me most of the time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

53/365 Danger Baby

I was testing the flash and caught Linc falling face first into his exersaucer!

Here he is innocently checking out the phone cord:

He made short work of that:

Monday, February 21, 2011

52/365 Grammy and Baby

51/365 Visiting the Cabin

We went to visit mom and dad at the cabin. Linc thankfully slept on the way down:

The rest of these are just snap shots, but I have a bad habit of not wanting to take pictures unless they are "perfect" and by doing that I miss out on a lot. So I'm trying not to worry about taking a perfect picture and just capture our life.

When we first got there Gypsy was afraid of Linc so she hid under the love seat:

She warmed up quickly though, and didn't want to leave his side:

Mom and dad have two awesome new dogs! This is Gabe he is ENORMOUS and is only 8 months old! He is a Great Pyrenees/Golden Lab mix. He is the sweetest dog ever. He is such a lover and let Linc crawl and grab all over him.

This is Maddie. She is so pretty!

This was yesterday's pictures. We are watching a movie, I'll post today's later.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

50/365 Just Like Daddy Baby

For those of you that don't know Grant is a carpenter. I got this awesome onesie at Baby Gap, so of course I had to get a picture of Linc and daddy with their tool belts on!

Friday, February 18, 2011

49/365 Pajama Baby

We went out for Kalee and Kacia's birthday tonight so Linc stayed up 2 hours past his bedtime. Poor guy was so tired. We just took a quick picture when we got home. Here he is in a new sleeper I picked up today. I love Carter's jammies!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

48/365 Not in the Mood Baby

We just weren't feelin' it tonight folks!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

47/365 Taking a Walk Baby

Today was walking weather! Linc hasn't been in his stroller since he was a wee chap, so the whole fam gathered up to get out and get some fresh air!

Linc was unimpressed with the sights:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

46/365 Read Me a Story!

Daddy and Linc reading a story together:

The ending was intense!

Monday, February 14, 2011

45/365 Brand New Hat Baby

So Lincoln got a super awesome new hat from his grandpa, so I decided that tonight's picture needed to feature him wearing the hat b/c, well, it is super awesome. So I take my camera out and before I can even think about putting the hat on him, Linc is climbing up my legs. This is one of his new favorite things:

So once we got the leg climbing out of the way I put the hat on his head and he immediately starts trying to pull it off. Trouble is, he hasn't quite figured out that he needs to pull up not down. So instead of getting the hat off, he succeeds in pulling it to an even more frustrating position:

In the end, the only way that I could keep the hat on him for any length of time was to distract him with a block (but don't worry folks, that hat didn't last but a few seconds after this picture was taken):

Sunday, February 13, 2011

44/365 Valentine's Day Baby

We took Linc's Valentine's Day pictures today! I really wanted to find a giant heart sucker that he could stick in his mouth, but they weren't easy to find! We looked at Target, CVS, and Marsh and the closest I could find is this foil covered chocolate sucker.

Let's just say that giving a child that seems to have been birthed from Velociraptors chocolate wrapped in foil was not the greatest idea I've ever had. We were fishing foil out of his mouth after like 3 pictures! Fortunately, I got a cute one before I had to take it away:

Here is an outtake! Daddy taking his sucker away after taking a big bite:

Tired after the photo shoot! Here is my angel baby taking a nap:

After a refreshing nap he was up and at 'em! Here he is practicing with his new sippy! This one is much better and allows him to lean back without getting soaked and choked:

Looking for trouble:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

41/365 Bye Bye Babies

Grant and I had our babies Sonic and Tails for the past 3 years. We haven't been able to hold them as much as they deserve to be held and loved on lately, so we contacted the girl that sold them to us. She said she would love to have them back b/c she had gotten rid of all her degus and really missed them. I'm sad. They were so awesome, but living at the house, I was always too afraid to take them out much. At the apartment, if they got away there weren't many places they could go. If they got loose here, we'd never find them again (or worse yet, Smir would)!

Grant was putting this chip clip on Linc today and Linc thought it was awesome. I, being the stick in the mud mom, thought he could hurt himself and tried to take it away. He was furious! So we compromised, he got the clip, but wasn't allowed to leave my sight with it. LOL

Here I am being a mean mom again, I took a quick picture of him after we laid him down for the night. Again, he was not pleased with me. He's all snotty and has aquaphor all over his poor little chapped face: