Monday, May 30, 2011

146, 147, & 148/365 Away We Go

I have to be up to get ready for the airport in like 4 hours so I'm not going to say much except I didn't want to leave before posting the last 3 days of pictures. So here we go (148):



See you when we get back from MEXICO!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

144 & 145 Before Bedtime

Today is the start of my summer vacation! Yay! This has been a tough year and I'm so looking forward to spending my days with my little stink bug.

Kacia and Clayton came to visit Grant and Linc while I was at work today. They were still hanging out when I got home so we all went to Red Robin for dinner. By the time we got home it was time to get Lincoln ready for bed. So I took a few pictures before he went down for the night.

Here he is getting a little play time in before bedtime:

He is so silly. He has been making this face and going "EEEEEeeeee" All week:

He didn't get to spend enough time with this toy today:

We are leaving for Mexico on Tuesday. I will (of course) still be taking pictures every day for my 365 day project, but they won't be posted until I get back. We will be gone for 10 whole days! I'm SO excited. Anyway I was so busy packing last night I didn't get a chance to take a picture before Lincoln went to bed. So here you get to see a picture of some suitcases (144):

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

143/365 Walkin' Shoes

I am not a big fan of putting shoes on babies before they are actually needed. Not that I care what others are doing with their kid's feet, but when it comes to mine it just seemed silly to put them on him. It was just one more thing to do. So up until this point Linc has been a shoe-less little beast. However, now that he is walking he was in need of a good pair of walking shoes!

I have had a hard time finding a pair that fits him perfectly. I bought some Carter's brand, but they were too big (and the next size down were too small). I planned to go out this weekend and find a pair that fit him well. Then while I was packing for Mexico I found this box of Squeaker shoes. I got them in a Randomness Box from and totally forgot about them! They fit perfectly! He hated them at first and went on a walking strike for a few hours, but he has gotten over it and is back to walking around the house.

The cool thing about Squeakers is that the heel actually squeaks every time he takes a step. They are pretty funny!:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

142/365 My Silly Boy

Playing around in the crib. He cracks me up!

Monday, May 23, 2011

140 & 141/365 Packing for Mexico

You get a view of Linc sleeping tonight (141):

We started packing for Mexico yesterday. Linc is ready to go; I just think he is confused about how he is getting there (140):

Saturday, May 21, 2011

139/365 Another Saturday

Today we took Linc's picture for his birthday invitations. I'm not going to post it here so that you will all be wowed by it when you get it in the mail. I will say that it was a hard one to get. Linc kept getting up and walking away from the prop, leaving Grant and I looking at it dejectedly.

Here the little turd is crawling across the lawn:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

136 & 137 Up and Down

So Lincoln is trying to walk down steps. Anytime he is in the family room he will crawl up the steps and then stand at the top waiting for me to help him down. So I hold his hands and he walks down. Then he turns around and crawls back up and wants to go again. It goes on over and over again. He refuses to crawl down even though he knows how.

Helping him down (137):

This is how we spent our night last night (136):

Monday, May 16, 2011

134/365 Climbing Baby

Lincoln is going to give me a heart attack before I reach 30. He wants to climb EVERYTHING. His favorite thing is climbing from the couch to the recliner and if we don't stop him he tries climbing up and over the back of the recliner.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

132 & 133 Bring on the Sun

We had a lazy Sunday today. We were supposed to go out to Grant's grandma's house for dinner but that got canceled. That was OK b/c it gave me time to start making packing lists for Mexico and to start going through Linc's summer things. I swear this child is going to have like 3 times the amount of stuff for this trip than Grant and I. Actually, we were thinking of sharing one suitcase and letting Linc have his own. Good gravy babies require a lot of stuff!

Anyway, as I was going through his things I found his sandals that we bought in March at the Whale of a Sale and of course they are all too big! So we are definitely going to have to buy him new shoes before we leave. I also found his rash guard swim suit that I bought forever ago. I got it in the right size age wise, but I had no idea at the time how little he actually was so of course it is too big too. It isn't too bad and it will work fine. Here are a few pictures of him wearing it. This was right before nap time so he wasn't in a cooperative mood. This first one cracks me up b/c this is what he does when he doesn't want to be picked up. He throws his arms up so that he is hard to hold on to (133):

After he got sat down and was able to open the drawer on the coffee table he was a bit calmer. Notice the arms are a tad long and it is a bit loose:

Saturday we got up early and took my car out to Avon to get the oil changed. While we waited we got to take Linc to see his Great-Grandparents Nolan. Then we headed over to visit with Clayton. George was at school with Kacia helping her get all packed up for the summer.

I am happy to report that I think that Linc is officially over his fear of the grass. We spent quite a bit of time crawling and walking around outside (132):

My silly boy:

They were both looking at Clayton. I don't remember what he was doing that was so interesting:

Friday, May 13, 2011

130 & 131/365 Playing with Daddy

Lincoln showing off his cool toy to daddy (131):

This seems like a good place to hang out:

Grant preparing a Kamehameha (130):

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

129/365 Another Story

Story time again! Linc loves the Peek-a-Boo books. Tonight we were reading Peek-a-Boo animals and Grant was making the animal sounds as he read. Linc would turn and look at him everytime:

He loves turning the flap himself:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

128/365 Back to Eagle Creek

We haven't been to Eagle Creek in a while b/c it has been so rainy and the fitness trial gets super muddy. The last time we went it was so muddy that as we ran my shoe got caught in the mud and I ran right out of it!

Fear not! We are back in action! After we were done we headed over to look at the water a bit:

Wardrobe malfunction:

Up on tip toes:

Lincoln's model pose: