Thursday, April 28, 2011

115 & 116/365 Always Playing Catch Up

I took pictures yesterday but didn't feel like processing and posting so you get yesterday and today's picture right now. I ordered a swim diaper for Linc for our trip to Mexico. Here he is walking around modeling it (116/365):

Lincoln loves closing the bathroom door (115/365):

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

114/365 After Bath Play

Linc was in a playful mood today. He gets especially silly after his bath. He really didn't want to have to go to sleep despite the fact that he was a pretty tired little boy:

And here are more of Angie's pictures. I will (hopefully) have them finished tomorrow:

Monday, April 25, 2011

111, 112 & 113/365 I've been MIA

Hey ya! Long time no see! I promise I've been taking my daily picture, but we left for the cabin Easter weekend so there was no way to edit or upload. Sooooo you all get 3 days of pictures in one blog post. Lucky you! Right?

Here is tonight's picture. This is Stinks after his bath right before bed (113/365):

"Look at my duck!"

Here Linc is on his first Easter Sunday with his first Easter basket. He was pretty unimpressed with all of it except for the eggs. He LOVED the eggs (112/365):

Saturday Angie and I did a photo shoot at the cabin. We had so much fun! There are more of these and I will be posting them over the next few days as I get them edited (111/365):

Friday, April 22, 2011

110/365 Linc vs. The Baby Gate

The baby gate wins this round.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

108 & 109/365 Walk This Way

Ange and I went to Jamie's place last night for a Pure Romance party so I didn't get a chance to post yesterday's picture. I didn't have a whole lot of time for picture taking so went with an old standard: dinner in the high chair. This is what Stinks does when he doesn't want to eat anymore of what you are trying to give him:

And here my big guy is today! Walking tall like a big boy:

And of course I have to have one of those pictures where he is way too close crawling all over me:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

107/365 Read Me a Story

We've added story time to our night time routine. It is amazing b/c just a bit ago all Linc wanted to do was try and eat the book, but now he really sits quietly and listens and looks at the pages. He's getting so big. It makes my eyes tear and my throat catch.

He's so funny, when he is having a story read he likes to keep turning the book over to look at the cover. He's like, "What is this book called again?":

Sunday, April 17, 2011

105/365 Easter Pictures

Lincoln got his Easter pictures taken today! He's such a cute little bunny:

Those ears did not last long. Believe it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

103 & 104/365 To the Cabin We Go

We left right after work on Friday and headed down to mom and dad's cabin. Their Amish neighbors were hosting a breakfast and you better believe we weren't going to miss it! By the time we got there, Linc ate, took a quick dip, and then it was off to bed for him so there wasn't time for pictures of him. However, I went outside real quick and snapped a quick one of mom's tulips. So pretty:

These are today's pictures! Linc is just like Grandpa with his matching fedora:

Grammy wanted a few with Linc checking out the flowers:

This is actually him checking out Grammy b/c she has a bag of yogurt bites in her hand, LOL:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

102/365 Cranky Baby

Who really hates having to go to bed at night? This guy: Some more from yesterday. There are even more, but I'm sleepy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

101/365 Frisbee Fun

We went over to George's and Grant and Angie played frisbee while I tried to practice taking back lit pictures. I have a ton that I want to post, but we didn't get home until late and I'm tired. I will post some more of these tomorrow.