Monday, January 31, 2011

31/365 As Good As It Gets

This is as good as it's going to get today folks!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

30/365 Laundry Day Blues Baby

Sunday is usually the day that I try to get all my laundry done. Blah! I HATE doing laundry. It isn't so much the washing part, but having to get it all put away afterward that I hate. Anyway, Linc and I decided to show our mutual love of laundry in our picture today.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

29/355 Cranky Baby

I had a really cute idea for a picture today, but Linc wanted no part of it. Just seeing the camera elicited this reaction from him. Needless to say, there was a nap right after this picture was taken.

Friday, January 28, 2011

28/365 Sippy Cup Baby

Linc was spending some time practicing drinking from his sippy cup. He was given Matilda the side eye. Gotta keep that girl in line!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

27/365 Blue Baby

I realize that this picture has both a head and hands chop, but I love it anyway b/c I finally got photographic proof of those two perfect little teeth!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26/365 That Seventies Baby

Tonight didn't go well. We live in a dark wood-paneled cave and at night the lighting is horrible and Linc just doesn't have the tolerance at night for a full out photo shoot. So I'm going to stop being so ambitious on the week days. It is just wearing me out and making it not fun.

This is a quick snap after our failed photo shoot.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25/365 Through the Looking Glass Baby

Now, any other day you couldn't drag this kid away from the mirror. He loves to look at himself! Who could blame him right? Well not today! This is the very first picture I took and after that I have a lot of him crawling everywhere but near the darn mirror. Oh well!

I love my happy guy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

24/365 Peek-a-Boo Baby

Today's picture taking adventure was so frustrating! I was having a very difficult time getting the settings for the Speedlite right. It took forever to learn how to use my camera and now it is like having to relearn everything!

Also Linc and Grant were not wanting to put up with my shenanigans. This is another one that I had an idea of what I wanted and in the end I didn't get the complete vision. I got this peek-a-boo onesie from Baby Gap and I love it! My plan was to take a picture of the front and the back. However, by the time we finally got a good one of the front, he was done, I was done, and Grant was really done.

So I like the end result. I'm posting the same picture with 2 different compositions. The first is how I composed it in camera, the second I did a close crop in PSCS4. I couldn't decide which I like best.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/365 Yesterday Baby

So I didn't take any pictures of Lincoln today. I just wasn't in the mood to think of something creative. Today's picture was me messing around with freezing water. It is a little bit beginner's course photography 101, but it was quick and easy and I cleaned the sink so we all win!

Here are a few more pictures from yesterday. I was going to post more, but I ran out of time b/c the Sunday shows came on. I love the first one, he was giving us a big laugh:

I did a little vintage process on this one. Grandpa George had the fire going and Lincoln and he hung out in front of it for a while.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

22/365 Standing Monster Baby

I took 75 pictures today and wanted to post most of them! Actually I think that I will come back and post a few more after I finish processing them. By the time that we got home from Grandpa George's house, put Linc to bed, ate dinner, and watched a movie there wasn't a lot of time for picture processing. However, I picked a few of my favorites to post since I know I have such a huge audience out there waiting to see them! LOL

So, here is Lincoln Xavier standing up on a chair. There has been no photoshoping out any hands here. He really was standing there on his own. Granted, that chair is rounded so it was giving good leaning support, but I'm impressed all the same. The first one is my favorite:

Now, obviously I didn't take these so they aren't being counted as part of my 365, but I don't have many pictures with Lincoln since 1. I hate seeing how fat I've gotten 2. I'm always taking the pictures. and 3. I'm always taking the pictures b/c I want to avoid seeing how fat I've gotten.
So yesterday I had Grant take a few of the two of us and I actually don't hate them:

I love taking pictures at George's b/c they have nice light colored walls to bounce light off of and using my speedlite to get a nicely exposed picture it so much easier.
In other news, I've lost 5 pounds! I started weight watchers and I've been a little bummed that the weight isn't just falling off, but they said that I should lose about 2 pounds a week and that is about what it's been. The best thing about it is that I'm actually eating and not starving myself. I need to keep telling myself that losing weight takes time. B/c I'm so used to doing the starvation type diets and losing weight quickly, it has been hard not to see the weight "just fly off." That weight never really stayed off though b/c I just can't starve myself forever.

Friday, January 21, 2011

21/365 Out of the Bath Baby

We went to Sam's tonight and Linc sat in the cart seat like a big boy! It was funny b/c as we went through the food samples Linc was so interested in what we were eating. He was grabbing for the food and smacking his lips together.

One of the food samples was buffalo chicken on a saltine cracker. Of course I'm not giving my baby buffalo chicken, but I asked the food guy if I could have a plain cracker and Lincoln loved it! He wasn't even just sucking on it! The little dude was putting those two new teeth to use and was taking big bites! I kept trying to get him to take tiny bites b/c I was afraid he was going to choke, but he ate that whole cracker like a pro!

Oh, what my life has become that the most exciting thing that happened to me all day was the consumption of a cracker.

By the time we got home it was time for bed so our picture tonight had to be taken after bath time. Man, it is getting tough to get a picture of him, he was traveling all over the bed and wouldn't sit still!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19/365 Purse Baby

Linc got two front bottom teeth and I would have loved to have gotten a picture of them. However, he barely sits still long enough for me to get a peek at them, so it was a no go.

He is fascinated with my purse:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

17/365 Guitar Baby

So this totally didn't end up how I wanted it to. Lincoln just wasn't in the mood and Grant was getting tired of holding the blanket behind the whole thing.

Plus, I couldn't get the little turd to look at me! He was way too distracted by Smirnoff and his shenanigans off to the right.

Needless to say, you will probably be seeing a re-shoot of this set up soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15/365 Textured Baby

Why not add some texture?!

Friday, January 14, 2011

14/365 Daddy's Baby

The Loves of my Life

Thursday, January 13, 2011

13/365 Jailed Baby

Lincoln got new play gates from Grammy and Grandpa.

He was thrilled about them!

I'm such a mean mommy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11/365 It Snowed

If you hadn't noticed these pictures are not of Lincoln. I decided to give him a break from getting his pictures taken. I really want to get pictures of the snow, but by the time I get home the big, fat, fluffy flakes are gone. Well I headed outside anyway and took a few very quick shots.

I had to shoot at an ISO of 1600 so there is a lot of noise. It was actually pretty dark out, so I'm happy with the first one. The second is pretty boring, but I posted it anyway.

Monday, January 10, 2011

10/365 Yawning Baby

So I really like more natural looking pictures, but I also want to try different things in terms of processing. I hate pictures that look "over processed/photoshopped." So I can't decide if these are just different from what I usually do or overdone. Either way, the first one cracks me up!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

7/365 Under the Quilt Baby

We didn't have a whole lot of time for pictures today b/c Lincoln was going over to spend time with Grandma Kellie. So we put him on the bed and threw a quilt over his head!

I was kind of bummed b/c I stared longingly at the pretty snow that fell all day long and I really wanted to take a quick pic of Lincoln out in his snowsuit in the snow. But alas, by the time we got home the snow had stopped.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6/365 Happy Baby

I had a really difficult time even picking just two pictures today. Lincoln was so smiley right before bed tonight. He makes my heart swell!

I loved every picture I took tonight, even the out of focus ones (which is a big deal for me, b/c I hate when I miss focus). I'm still trying to learn to use my speedlite correctly and get better at switching my dials fast enough to keep up with Linc.

Ok, without further ado, here are my pictures for 6/365:

This picture cracks me up. Grant took Linc in the bedroom after his bath and he found the nipple shield and was chewing on it. He dropped it and rolled over to prop himself on his hands and the shield got stuck to his head! He was looking all around for it! LOL

Who doesn't love a baby butt?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011