Saturday, November 7, 2009

Officially Pregnant!

So, I had my doctor's appointment yesterday, so that Dr. Stanton could tell me that I'm pregnant. Fortunately, I did not have to pee on the doctor, but in a little cup instead. I waited patiently in the room until Jill (Dr. Stanton) came in. She said, "Guess what?! You're pregnant man!" And she held out a the pregnancy test in a little baggie.

I told her that I had kind of suspected I was when I got a positive on the 5 (OK let's be honest here it's been more like 10) tests at home. She laughed and said, "Yes but this is the official one"

So without further ado, b/c I know everyone is just dying to see it, here is my Official Doctor's Office Positive Pregnancy Test (in it's very own bio hazard bag):

Jill was very excited for me and told me how relieved she was I didn't have to go to a fertility specialist. The sad news is that she is no longer doing deliveries, so I'll have to go to a new OB. I'm really sad about that because I was hoping to stay with her throughout the pregnancy. She gave me the option of staying with an OB in their practice or going to a specialist. She recommended the specialist since I have PCOS, and people with PCOS can end up being a high risk pregnancy. Hopefully that won't end up being the case, but to be on the safe side I decided to go with the specialist.

So, she is making the referral and they should call me with my first appointment in 7-10 business days!

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