Monday, January 3, 2011

3/365 In the Car Baby and Dinner with the Favorite Cousin

Went to dinner with the favorite cousin Cassie tonight. This was a great honor since Cassie only graces the United States with her presence twice a year. So, as you (all two of you) can imagine, getting fit into her very busy schedule is a big deal! We went for the old standard, Mexican and margaritas. However, since this was a work day and I pretty much picked Linc up from the babysitters and then had very little time before we were to meet up for dinner, I had to do pictures on the go.

Pictures today were taken with my 50mm while sitting right next to Lincoln in the car, so they are close up and personal. I shot at 1.4- 1.8 as I recall, which is why only part of his face is in focus. I don't know if this is pleasing to most, but I like the effect shooting the face with the lens wide open.


Anyway, it is a work day, so I would love to sit and chat about how the evening was full of good conversation and such, but you should all know such was the case since we it was Angie, Cassie and I.
Now it is off to bed for me!

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