Tuesday, July 12, 2011

189-191/365 I Don't Keep Promises Well

So, yeah. I promised I wouldn't get behind on blogging again, but it really wasn't completely my fault! Sunday I started feeling really sick to my stomach and by that evening I was running a 103 degree temperature. That lasted until about today. Actually, my stomach is still not back to good, but the fever is gone.

Goodnight kisses (189):

He's not ready to go to bed! Honestly, I get heart palpitations thinking about when he figures out he can climb his crib:

This was the day that I was at my sickest. I slept, like, all day. When I woke up Grant excitedly showed me what they spent their time doing that day. Linc has been working out! (So technically I didn't take this, but I'm counting it him as a fill-in 365er) (oh, also, Grant doesn't know how to use the camera and it was on manual and he kept the settings as they were already set, so that explains the exposure/focus issues) (190):

Here Stincs is keeping track of my lens cap for me. I'm always losing the darn thing! (191):

Daddy is funny:

Yeah, that lens cap? He dropped it down between the wall and the bed. He didn't lose track of it though! He kept sticking his hand down there trying to get it back! He has also started sticking his tongue in and out. It cracks us up!:

More tongue action:

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