Wednesday, October 12, 2011

280-282/365 Zoo Baby

We took Linc to the zoo for the first time today! I would like to report that he was wowed and amazed, but unfortunately he still wasn't feeling very well and was kind of blah about the whole thing. It is ok though, we bought the family pass so that we can go back when he is more up to it!

Daddy and Linc checking out he fishies!
These were in the aquarium part and it was almost completely dark in there, so I had to turn my ISO up to 1600 and shoot wide open to get enough light. I don't have a noiseware program so these are all pretty noisy( I did my best in PSCS4):

These were the dog sharks that you got to touch. He stuck his hands in the water, but without dunking him in, he couldn't reach them. Oh well, he enjoyed looking:

Arrg! I'm so disappointed with this picture! Since I had to shoot with such a low aperture (I think I had it all the way down at F/1.4) I couldn't get Linc and the reflection in focus. I wish I had focused on him instead of the reflection, but he moves so quick! I tried to get him to stand so that I could try again, but he wasn't having it. Oh well:

This picture would have been better if there were actually a few penguins swimming past so you could tell what he is pointing at. The penguins cooperate even less than my fast moving toddler:

I can't help but feel sorry for the polar bear, sitting here in Indy instead of roughing it in the wild:

The most excitement he showed all day was for this sign and the tree next to it. He like the picture of the monkey more than the actual monkey in the cage next to it.:

This picture really captures his general mood for the day. He wasn't in a bad mood, per se, but just kind of apathetic.

Looking for the tiger:

How cute is this bear!:

I was super disappointed we didn't get to feed the giraffes.:

Linc in the desert:

Daddy got a smile out of him!:

Trying to escape before bedtime:

Eating an apple in his highchair. He was sick this day:

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