Today's picture taking adventure was so frustrating! I was having a very difficult time getting the settings for the Speedlite right. It took forever to learn how to use my camera and now it is like having to relearn everything!
Also Linc and Grant were not wanting to put up with my shenanigans. This is another one that I had an idea of what I wanted and in the end I didn't get the complete vision. I got this peek-a-boo onesie from Baby Gap and I love it! My plan was to take a picture of the front and the back. However, by the time we finally got a good one of the front, he was done, I was done, and Grant was really done.
So I like the end result. I'm posting the same picture with 2 different compositions. The first is how I composed it in camera, the second I did a close crop in PSCS4. I couldn't decide which I like best.

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