So, here is Lincoln Xavier standing up on a chair. There has been no photoshoping out any hands here. He really was standing there on his own. Granted, that chair is rounded so it was giving good leaning support, but I'm impressed all the same. The first one is my favorite:

Now, obviously I didn't take these so they aren't being counted as part of my 365, but I don't have many pictures with Lincoln since 1. I hate seeing how fat I've gotten 2. I'm always taking the pictures. and 3. I'm always taking the pictures b/c I want to avoid seeing how fat I've gotten.
So yesterday I had Grant take a few of the two of us and I actually don't hate them:

I love taking pictures at George's b/c they have nice light colored walls to bounce light off of and using my speedlite to get a nicely exposed picture it so much easier.

I love taking pictures at George's b/c they have nice light colored walls to bounce light off of and using my speedlite to get a nicely exposed picture it so much easier.
In other news, I've lost 5 pounds! I started weight watchers and I've been a little bummed that the weight isn't just falling off, but they said that I should lose about 2 pounds a week and that is about what it's been. The best thing about it is that I'm actually eating and not starving myself. I need to keep telling myself that losing weight takes time. B/c I'm so used to doing the starvation type diets and losing weight quickly, it has been hard not to see the weight "just fly off." That weight never really stayed off though b/c I just can't starve myself forever.
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