How far along? 9 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? Same as last week.
Maternity Clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report fortunately.
Sleep? I'm sleeping great and often.
Best moment this week? Playing board games with all of my favorite people.
Food cravings? Fruit and any form of potatoes, mashed, baked, french fries, chips, I don't discriminate.
Gender: I've been feeling girl lately.
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In
What I miss? I'm not really missing anything, I'm even almost over missing caffeine so much.
What am I looking forward to? My doctor's appointment in 2 weeks! We're going to get to see the baby! AHHHH!
Weekly wisdom? It's OK to feel scared as long as long as the good thoughts outnumber the bad.
Milestones: I threw up for the first time, and hopefully the last! Ugh!
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