Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.
How far along? 7 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss? Back to my starting weight.
Maternity Clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report fortunately.
Sleep? Sleeping OK, but I can't make it through the night w/o getting up to pee.
Best moment this week? Spending time with my sister.
Food cravings? I still wouldn't say that I have crazy cravings, but I did eat half a jar of dill pickles last night.
Gender: Still thinking boy.
Labor signs? Negatory
Belly button, in or out? In
What I miss? Not feeling so ever loving tired ALL of the time.
What am I looking forward to? The new OB office to call me and tell me when my appointment will be. I'm so axious for it!
Weekly wisdom? Don't let negative people get to you, they'll just pull you down with them.
Milestones: The baby now has an appendix! Not that he'll/she'll ever need it, but it's there now!
Soon this baby will be big enough that when you eat it - you'll be full!