Sunday, November 29, 2009

Olive You!

Our little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood! With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby with fingers and toes and eyelids and ears! External boy and girl-parts are present, but won't be really distinguishable for another couple weeks.

How far along? 9 weeks!

Weight Loss/Gain? Same as last week.

Maternity Clothes? Nope

Stretch Marks? No new ones to report fortunately.

Sleep? I'm sleeping great and often.

Best moment this week? Playing board games with all of my favorite people.

Food cravings? Fruit and any form of potatoes, mashed, baked, french fries, chips, I don't discriminate.

Gender: I've been feeling girl lately.

Labor signs? Thankfully, no.

Belly button, in or out? In

What I miss? I'm not really missing anything, I'm even almost over missing caffeine so much.

What am I looking forward to? My doctor's appointment in 2 weeks! We're going to get to see the baby! AHHHH!

Weekly wisdom? It's OK to feel scared as long as long as the good thoughts outnumber the bad.

Milestones: I threw up for the first time, and hopefully the last! Ugh!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Have an Appointment!!!

The Dr's office called me today! Woot! My appointment is on December 7th at 2:30. I can't wait and I'm so excited!

I'm pretty sure they should do some sort of ultrasound so they can measure the size of the baby. I will be 10 weeks 1 day and we should be able to hear the heartbeat! The thing I want most in life right now is to hear that heartbeat. I have told myself that I will be positive (or as positive as possible) throughout this pregnancy, but I still have that corner of my heart that is living in fear. It nags at my brain and tugs at my heart that it was at someone near and dear to me 10 week ultrasound that they discovered there was no heartbeat.

Grant keeps telling me that I have no need to worry because he has super sperm and that nothing can happen to our baby because of it. LOL. How men can be so proud of a bodily fluid I'll never know.

So, now we wait these two long weeks. It's going to be TORTURE!!! I'm still feeling really tired and my back hurts sometimes. My nausea comes and goes and it has only been bad the day of the dry heaving. I really can't believe that I haven't been puking, that is the one thing I expected from pregnancy and it didn't happen. Go figure!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pretty Little Rasberry

The baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though it can't be felt yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy!

How far along? 8 weeks!

Weight Loss/Gain? Back down a pound

Maternity Clothes? Nope

Stretch Marks? No new ones to report fortunately.

Sleep? Sleeping OK, but I can't make it through the night w/o getting up to pee.

Best moment this week? Going out for birthday dinners!

Food cravings? I can't eat enough oranges!

Gender: Still thinking boy.

Labor signs? Thankfully, no.

Belly button, in or out? In

What I miss? Not feeling like I'm going to dry heave at any moment.

What am I looking forward to? Still waiting for the darn Dr's office to call to schedule my 1st appointment. They should have called by now and I'm SO annoyed they haven't.

Weekly wisdom? I'm too sick to feel wise.

Milestones: The baby almost doesn't have a tail anymore!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beautiful Blueberry!

Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

How far along? 7 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss? Back to my starting weight.

Maternity Clothes? Nope

Stretch Marks? No new ones to report fortunately.

Sleep? Sleeping OK, but I can't make it through the night w/o getting up to pee.

Best moment this week? Spending time with my sister.

Food cravings? I still wouldn't say that I have crazy cravings, but I did eat half a jar of dill pickles last night.

Gender: Still thinking boy.

Labor signs? Negatory

Belly button, in or out? In

What I miss? Not feeling so ever loving tired ALL of the time.

What am I looking forward to? The new OB office to call me and tell me when my appointment will be. I'm so axious for it!

Weekly wisdom? Don't let negative people get to you, they'll just pull you down with them.

Milestones: The baby now has an appendix! Not that he'll/she'll ever need it, but it's there now!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Estimated Due Date

So there seems to be more math involved in pregnancy than I ever knew. So first thing I need to do here is get this "how many weeks am I?" and estimated due date thing straightened out.

Last Tuesday I reported that I was 6 weeks, well that wasn't exactly accurate because I was basing that on the date of my last menstrual period. That is how the doctor's estimate a due date. However, the problem with doing that is that is assuming that I fit the "norm" and ovulated on cycle day 14, which I did not. I ovulated 6 days later on cycle day 20. So when adjusted for those 6 days, I was just 6 weeks yesterday and my estimated due date is actually July 6, 2010.

So, there won't be another size update until Sunday when I will be 7 weeks!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Officially Pregnant!

So, I had my doctor's appointment yesterday, so that Dr. Stanton could tell me that I'm pregnant. Fortunately, I did not have to pee on the doctor, but in a little cup instead. I waited patiently in the room until Jill (Dr. Stanton) came in. She said, "Guess what?! You're pregnant man!" And she held out a the pregnancy test in a little baggie.

I told her that I had kind of suspected I was when I got a positive on the 5 (OK let's be honest here it's been more like 10) tests at home. She laughed and said, "Yes but this is the official one"

So without further ado, b/c I know everyone is just dying to see it, here is my Official Doctor's Office Positive Pregnancy Test (in it's very own bio hazard bag):

Jill was very excited for me and told me how relieved she was I didn't have to go to a fertility specialist. The sad news is that she is no longer doing deliveries, so I'll have to go to a new OB. I'm really sad about that because I was hoping to stay with her throughout the pregnancy. She gave me the option of staying with an OB in their practice or going to a specialist. She recommended the specialist since I have PCOS, and people with PCOS can end up being a high risk pregnancy. Hopefully that won't end up being the case, but to be on the safe side I decided to go with the specialist.

So, she is making the referral and they should call me with my first appointment in 7-10 business days!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sweet Pea, Apple of my Eye...

The baby is the size of a sweet pea!

Growing like crazy, our little Godzilla baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and a chin. The little sweet pea's hands and feet-still webbed like paddles-might start to wiggle by week's end! The heart is beating (almost twice as fast as mine!) and blood has started to circulate.

All that growing the little pea is doing is making me tired. Did I say tired? I mean E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D!!! Making it through the day is torture. It's like trying to swim upriver in tree sap. Everything I do feels like it takes SO much effort.

I guess I should feel lucky that I have yet to throw up on one of my students. While that might make the day slightly more interesting, it might not put me favor with their parents. Actually, besides the cat vomit and a brief run in with some shady looking Mexican food, I haven't had much of an upchuck reflex, just a mild feeling of nausea here and there.

How far along? 6 weeks on the dot!

Total weight gain/loss? Meh, I didn't weigh myself this morning.

Maternity Clothes? Nope, but I bought a bella band and I'm in love with it!

Stretch Marks? Nope

Sleep? Still sleeping through the night. Haven't had to get up and pee or anything.

Best moment this week? Having a good laugh with the family about naming the baby Cooter.

Food cravings? Nothing, I'm a little disappointed. Where are all my wacky cravings?!

Gender: I'm thinking boy.

Labor signs? Negatory

Belly button, in or out? In

What I miss? Mass quantities of caffeine and wine, beer and margaritas.

What am I looking forward to? Having the doctor tell me I'm pregnant this Friday!

Weekly wisdom? I'm pretty short on wisdom this week, too tired to be wise.

Milestones: The heartbeat should be detectable on an ultrasound!