The baby is the size of a sweet pea!
Growing like crazy, our little Godzilla baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and a chin. The little sweet pea's hands and feet-still webbed like paddles-might start to wiggle by week's end! The heart is beating (almost twice as fast as mine!) and blood has started to circulate.
All that growing the little pea is doing is making me tired. Did I say tired? I mean E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D!!! Making it through the day is torture. It's like trying to swim upriver in tree sap. Everything I do feels like it takes SO much effort.
I guess I should feel lucky that I have yet to throw up on one of my students. While that might make the day slightly more interesting, it might not put me favor with their parents. Actually, besides the cat vomit and a brief run in with some shady looking Mexican food, I haven't had much of an upchuck reflex, just a mild feeling of nausea here and there.
How far along? 6 weeks on the dot!
Total weight gain/loss? Meh, I didn't weigh myself this morning.
Maternity Clothes? Nope, but I bought a bella band and I'm in love with it!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Still sleeping through the night. Haven't had to get up and pee or anything.
Best moment this week? Having a good laugh with the family about naming the baby Cooter.
Food cravings? Nothing, I'm a little disappointed. Where are all my wacky cravings?!
Gender: I'm thinking boy.
Labor signs? Negatory
Belly button, in or out? In
What I miss? Mass quantities of caffeine and wine, beer and margaritas.
What am I looking forward to? Having the doctor tell me I'm pregnant this Friday!
Weekly wisdom? I'm pretty short on wisdom this week, too tired to be wise.
Milestones: The heartbeat should be detectable on an ultrasound!