Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ange and I went to Midland Antiques and I got some fun shoes! It is a huge old warehouse with no A/C and we went on a day that it was 100 degrees out. We didn't stay very long since we took Linc with us and it was just way too hot for him. We plan to back soon. I would really like to get some old fashioned suitcases! (202):

Thinkin' about trouble (203):

Ange and I went and had some fun at the park (204):

Grant and I have all of our stuff from the apartment stored in the back room. Linc loves to climb up and sit in the crock pot. He is so silly. (205):

They redid the fitness trail at Eagle Creek! We had to go check it out. (206):

Play time (207):

Whining time (208)

I've had these blocks for a really long time, but I haven't gotten them out before b/c he was way into chewing and drooling on everything. I got them out for the first time a few days ago and he LOVES them. He really likes stacking them up, but his favorite thing to do is knock them over. (209):

This picture is sort of a fail. Ange and I wanted to try a picture of her twirling, but we didn't have a whole lot of time to mess with it b/c she was going to dinner. This is the best we got. blah. (210):

Friday, July 22, 2011


So, I have decided that I'm not really behind on my blog, b/c when I first started the 365 project I said it might not become a once a week kind of thing.

Honestly, I'm feeling a little uninspired lately. My pictures are becoming pretty repetitive b/c, really, our days are pretty repetitive and routine. I need to get out and be more adventurous and exciting before winter is upon us.

Anyway, for Ange's birthday we went and got pedicures! I love getting pedicures. If I could afford it I would get one every 2 weeks. (193):

Sleepy before bedtime (194):

We took Stincs over to visit with Grandpa George and so he could play in his pool a bit (195):

Lincoln LOVES books (I swear he is even trying to say book). He likes taking them off the shelves, carrying them around and flipping the pages. Here he is with a book about sewing. He is a man of varied interests (196):

Monday Grant had to work and I really wanted to get out of the house so Linc and I met up with Jessie and her boys at The Children's Museum. These pictures were taken with the on board flash so white balance and exposure are pretty crappy, but lighting was pretty bad and I didn't feel like messing with the speedlight (197):

He loved this little bridge, he kept going back and forth over it:

Trying it on hands and knees:

Got to move these blocks around:

This one was a bit tough, but he still managed to drag it around:

He was interested in the sand table until he realized that it was sand. He stuck his hands in and then immediately regretted his decision. He held them up to me and was like "AAAHHHH!" (we went to the water table after that and he liked it a lot):

Linc is an accomplished pianist (198):

Open wide! (199):

I found some new Peek a Boo books at TJ Maxx. They are his very favorite. (200):

We haven't had any pictures in his crib lately so I though I would let him in and play a little. He was NOT happy about this idea. Apparently, it was too close to bedtime for his liking. This is his friend Mac. (201):

"Mom, I am NOT in the mood for this!":