Dad, Grant, Abby, and Matt headed into town this day while Mom, Linc, Angie, and I hung out at our hotel room private pool area. Here is my lovely mother hanging out in the hammock (157):

The day before they left Abby and Matt let me take some shots of them at the beach! It was a lot of fun! (158):

Later that same evening Linc got all dolled up for our last dinner in Mexico! People couldn't get enough of him in his sailor suit:
How cute is this guy?:

Our last day at the resort consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, and then letting Linc roam around the lobby charming people for the very last time (this was one of his favorite past times) (159):
I love hats on babies. I think they are so cute. Unfortunately, Lincoln does not share my fondness. I bought this awhile back b/c it was only like $2 on clearance at Children's Place. I bought it despite the fact that I knew Stincs would never keep it on his head. Well, since he was forced to wear a hat strapped to his head every day while in Mexico, I think he forgot to fight tooth and nail to get that sucker off! LOL, he actually kept it on for quite a while. (160):

The Sunday after we got back we headed to Martinsville for a Benge Family get together. Look at my pretty baby! (161):
This is his cousin who was born a month before him:

Linc missed his toys! (162):
Angry face!!!:

We were a week later than usual with his monthly picture, but we got it done! Of course Grant and I were both dreading it, but we managed to get it done in the first few shots! Thankfully, this will be the last of this type of shot b/c I am doing something different for his yearly picture.(164):

This is a quick snap I took. Clayton and Grant got a new Monster Hunter game and Grant was reading the instructions and Linc thought he would climb up and help. (165):
Visiting with Grandpa George on Father's Day. (167):
We (finally) got around to unpacking from Mexico trip. Those bags have just been sitting around staring at us for the past week. Ugh, unpacking is the worst! Anyway, Linc was being such a funny guy while I was unpacking. He would walk into the room with a toy, look at me, hold out the toy, and yell "AHHHH" then walk out to find a new one to show me.

Later that same evening Linc got all dolled up for our last dinner in Mexico! People couldn't get enough of him in his sailor suit:

Our last day at the resort consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, and then letting Linc roam around the lobby charming people for the very last time (this was one of his favorite past times) (159):

The Sunday after we got back we headed to Martinsville for a Benge Family get together. Look at my pretty baby! (161):

Linc missed his toys! (162):

Linc has become Mr. Clingy recently(163):

We were a week later than usual with his monthly picture, but we got it done! Of course Grant and I were both dreading it, but we managed to get it done in the first few shots! Thankfully, this will be the last of this type of shot b/c I am doing something different for his yearly picture.(164):

This is a quick snap I took. Clayton and Grant got a new Monster Hunter game and Grant was reading the instructions and Linc thought he would climb up and help. (165):

Since Linc as become more willing to let us put hats on his head, we thought we would explore other fancy head gear options. This is his Devo look. (168):

Is the swim diaper on the head taking it too far? Linc thinks so. (169):

Then he came in, climbed on the bed to help unpack. He LOVES taking things out of the suitcase (or laundry basket, recycle bin, etc.). He grabbed one of Grants shirts and was dragging it around, so I thought I would put it on and snap the top snap so he could have a cape. He walked all the way in the kitchen to show Grant (or maybe he was just trying to get away from crazy mom who likes to subject him to things like this). Either way, Grant thought it looked like he was wearing a trench coat and thought it would be cute to put his fedora on him. Hehe (170):
And there we have it! I'm all caught up! Whew, I never want to get that far behind again!
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