Kacia and Clayton came to visit Grant and Linc while I was at work today. They were still hanging out when I got home so we all went to Red Robin for dinner. By the time we got home it was time to get Lincoln ready for bed. So I took a few pictures before he went down for the night.
Here he is getting a little play time in before bedtime:

He is so silly. He has been making this face and going "EEEEEeeeee" All week:

He didn't get to spend enough time with this toy today:

We are leaving for Mexico on Tuesday. I will (of course) still be taking pictures every day for my 365 day project, but they won't be posted until I get back. We will be gone for 10 whole days! I'm SO excited. Anyway I was so busy packing last night I didn't get a chance to take a picture before Lincoln went to bed. So here you get to see a picture of some suitcases (144):

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