So, according to The Dad's Guide to pregnancy the baby is about the same length as a 17 inch computer screen!
Linc weighs about 6 lbs! Crown to rump measurement is about 13.5 inches. He should be dropping any day now and he continues to grow, kick, and move about.
His face has filled out and the cheeks now look plump and full. Fat baby cheeks are caused by fat deposits, but also by powerful sucking muscles which the baby has been honing by sucking his thumb.
The baby's skull is firm, but it is not hard as it needs to give a little when it is passing through the birth canal.
How far along? 36 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? +19 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes, though it is so hot that I don't really want to put them on and go outside!
Stretch Marks? You better believe it!
Sleep? Has become really hard the last week or two. Ugh, it is really hard to get comfortable because no matter how I lay my back aches and wakes me up.
Best moment this week? We finished up shopping for Lincoln! I think we have everything we need; now we just need a baby!
Food cravings? I've been eating a lot of peanut butter. God bless Peter Pan!
Gender: It is most definitely still a boy!
Movement: Yeah, his favorite move is to push his body parts into my ribs on my right side.
Labor signs? I've started having Braxton Hicks. They are super weird, like my belly is trying to shrink wrap the baby.
Belly button, in or out? Still in, but I'm still up in the air about whether it is going to stay that way or not.
What I miss? Being able to sleep without waking up in pain.
What am I looking forward to? Having the baby!
Weekly wisdom? Patience is for the birds!
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