Supposedly you can put an ear to my belly and maybe be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up my antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes (which hopefully will look like Grant's)
So I know I've been really bad about updating, but now that there aren't weekly fruit I got a little lazy. Don't fret though, even though the babe will be an eggplant until week 29, I will be better about updating. Swear.
Also, am I the only one that thinks eggplants are creepy? I think it has something to do with an old Animanics episode.
How far along? 25 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? +2 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes,and now that it is getting warmer I need to go buy some more. Boo!
Stretch Marks? Dude. Maybe one of these days I will share the ridiculousness that is my stomach.
Sleep? Up twice a night to pee and my legs ache like crazy! Also, I cannot even express to you how disturbing my dreams have been.
Best moment this week? Having people that I haven't seen since I got pregnant, tell that I'm pregnant and not fat.
Food cravings? The cravings still aren't happening for me.
Gender: Penis!
Movement: There isn't much during the day, but he is really active at night. It's so creepy having someone kick and punch you from the inside!
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In, but it is still is suspicious looking.
What I miss? Being able to roll over in bed without it hurting and sleeping through the night.
What am I looking forward to? I have my one hour glucose test next week, and although I'm not excited for it, I am excited about hopefully passing it so that I don't have to do the 3 hour glucose test.
Weekly wisdom? Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Milestones: Week 24 was viability week. Which is the earliest that the baby could live out in the world if it had to. Hopefully we won't have to test this.
YAY! Finally! Thanks for posting. Your baby's future-favorite-second-cousin got tired of reading the same entries over and over. Personally, I love eggplants, and when I buy one tomorrow, I will momentarily cradle it in my arms and imagine it's Little Baby Nolan. Then I'll put it in my basket and move on before I become known as "Crazy Foreign Chick Who Coos at Vegetables." Keep the info coming, Em!