I can't believe that the baby is that big! I really don't feel like my belly is still very big for being 5 months pregnant. The U/S tech said that it is b/c the baby has plenty of room to stretch out b/c of my childbearin' hips (this isn't the term she used). I'm not complaining though. It will get there eventually and I can't imagine that it will be comfortable.
I also promised some pictures from the U/S so here you go:

We all know the baby was not very cooperative for this U/S so that is the reason the we didn't get really awesome pictures, but you get the idea. The second picture is his itty bitty scrotum and penis. The arrow is pointing right at it!
How far along? 20 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? I'm officially 1 pound over my starting weight.
Maternity Clothes? You better believe it! Though I really need to get some more pants.
Stretch Marks? I think this question is really nosy. Let's talk about YOUR stretch marks, jerks!
Sleep? I have started sleeping with a pillow between my legs and that seems to help keep my legs from aching.
Best moment this week? I felt the baby move!!!! I was sitting in class tapping on my belly and I felt a little tap tap back! Right now, it feels like little twitches and light bubble taps and it is only once in a while.
Food cravings? fruit and milk. Though I still must say that I have yet to have these strong pregnancy cravings people talk about. I think that women must be using them as an excuse to shove whatever they are hungry for into their mouth.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? Still an innie
What I miss? I really would love some wine.
What am I looking forward to? More constant kicks and movement and for Grant to be able to feel him on the outside.
Weekly wisdom? You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need.
Milestones: First baby movement AND I am halfway through my pregnancy, only 20 more weeks to go!!! Woot!
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