The baby is the size of a lemon! It's crazy to think that not too long ago we just had a little poppy seed and blueberry. I can't believe how much the baby has grown!
Our adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
How far along? 14 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? I'm too lazy to get up to weigh myself, but yesterday I was sill down 5 pounds from my starting weight. I'm surprised the holidays didn't change that.
Maternity Clothes? Here and there
Stretch Marks? I could swear that some of my old faded ones are looking a smidgen pinker, but I could just be staring at them too long.
Sleep? I've been sleeping a crazy amount of time during this break.
Best moment this week? Ringing in the New Year with my favorite people and realizing that this is the year that our little one is going to be born!
Food cravings? I don't feel like I'm really craving anything, except maybe blue Gatorade.
Gender: I'm back to thinking boy.
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In (ew, about thinking about it being out)
What I miss? I'm really missing energy drinks b/c I'm scared about going to work in the sleepy state I seemed to be in at all times.
What am I looking forward to? I have an appointment on Friday, I'm excited to get to hear the babies heartbeat and I'll know for sure if February 2nd is the day of our next ultrasound.
Weekly wisdom? Patience is a virtue!
Milestones: I made my first baby purchase, though it might be useless if we are having a boy.
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