Our first appointment was awesome (though very long)! Our appointment was at 2:30, and by 2:4o they were calling us back! The first order of business was to get a look at the babe via ultrasound. The lady took us into a teeny tiny room where I was told to disrobe from the waist down. I must admit I was pretty scared/nervous about what we were going to see.
I was also surprised she didn't use a wand on my belly with the goop stuff, but instead it was done with the dildo cam. Once that was in place she promptly said "oh there's the heartbeat!" I cannot even express my relief! I cried a little and couldn't get the silly smile off of my face for pretty much the rest of the appointment. Grant and I loved seeing the little heart just beating away and how the babe would squirm around when the u/s tech would press on my belly.
Seeing the baby was definitely the best part of the whole appointment. The next stop was where they gave us a ton of info plus all the do's and don't's. Then we waited around forever for a little meet and greet with the Doctor.
Anyway, without further ado, here is the u/s pic of our beautiful baby:

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