Friday, September 30, 2011

270/365 Backyard Baby

We took a trip into the backyard! We didn't stay long b/c it was kind of windy and I couldn't find Linc's hat (not that he would leave it on anyway). Here is me and my Stinc Bug hanging out by the swing set:

Yup, Linc can still rock a onesie and some Baby Legs! Actually, he has been going through a "I don't want to wear pants" phase the past few days, so I thought I would see if he would keep on the Baby Legs since it is so chilly in the morning. Much to my surprise, he left them on all day! I think he looks just as cute in them as a toddler as when he was an infant.:

Linc with his scruffy daddy:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

258-268/365 Cabin Rib Fest

We headed to the cabin over the past weekend for mom and dad's annual rib fest celebration.

 But before we get to that, here Stinks is before bed time. He likes to go in and out of his play pen, or as we like to call it his cage. We usually have it rigged so that he can go in and out of it, but as I was taking pictures it snapped closed and he got trapped inside. He wasn't happy that I was taking his picture instead of helping him out.:

His new favorite thing is crawling over Grant's legs:

Early morning at the cabin, getting ready for guests:

Gabe and Maddie playing in the yard:

Linc was helping us collect sticks to put in the fire pit. It looks like he is giving a thumbs up:

Still in his jammies:

He found a huge stick and was trying to drag it to the pit:

He was in a very serious mood after his nap:

Playing in his new tunnels:

It got a bit chilly:

Squeezing the love out of him:

This was the other day in front yard. Linc found a rock and was carrying it around the yard for a while.:

Of course, he found something to climb!:

He looks so gangster here. LOL:


He loves picking up sticks! He was helping daddy put them in the pile:

We haven't had highchair pictures in a while! He makes me laugh:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

244-257/365 Two Long Weeks

Wow! It has been two weeks since I have uploaded anything to the blog. Don't fear! I have still been taking my 365 pictures, I just haven't had the time or patience to deal with uploading them to blogger. Uploading pictures used to be a real pain in the butt b/c blogger's formatting was all wonky, but it seems that in my 2 week hiatus they have made a lot of improvements. So, yay!

We spent Labor Day weekend hanging out with George and Clayton.

Linc loves to get his hands on a remote control:

Pockets are handy:

He loves the piano:

Stinks loves playing the Hide Things game. We hid the remote from him, here he is asking "Where did it go?":

We visited the park!:

"OK, I'm done with the swings, get me outta here!":

We spent Labor Day cooking out with the family:

Linc giving the side-eye:

He likes to try and climb the back of the chairs:

He is still a little too short to bend down and dig in his toy box. His solution? Climb on in there!:

Ready to take a walk:

Just like Cher, Angie needs pictures to check out how her outfit looks:

Music man:

This basket spent a lot of time on his head:

He really likes to yell:

He was creeping around the chair to sneak up on grandpa:

Such a daddy's boy:

We went to Eagle Creek today and actually did more than just the Fitness trail! We went to the Nature center and Linc loved looking at all the animals. I'm really excited to take him to the zoo in a few weeks! We had a nice little picnic by the lake as well:

Grant was playing hide n' seek with Stinks. He was hiding behind the trees and then yelling his name, then he would jump out at him and Linc would go running for him.:

Where did daddy go?:

Linc has learned where his nose is and now he likes to point to other people's noses too!:

Eventually Linc decided he wanted to be the one to hide and he started going behind the trees in order to hide from Grant. It was the cutest thing! He kept peeking out to see if we knew where he was!: