So you don't get a fun picture comparison this week. Sorry dudes the baby is still a squash. Next week I will do the guy version picture comparison. But here is the 411 on what the little dude is up to:
The baby weighs about three and a half pounds and is 17 inches long. Since most full-term babies are between 20 and 22 inches long at 40 weeks' gestation, he will pack on more pounds than inches in the 10 weeks or so. It is starting to get a little crowded in there, but still has room to wiggle and roll and punch and kick.
About 16 fluid ounces of blood are flowing through the wall of the uterus to the site of the placenta, though my blood never mixes with the baby's blood. It is separated by the placental barrier which is a very thin wall. Water, nutrients and waste are exchanged across this barrier at a rate of 0.3 fluid ounces per second.
The baby's ears are sufficiently developed to hear and recognize my voice, the voices of other family members as well as familiar musical tunes.
How far along? 30 weeks!
Weight Loss/Gain? +10 1/2 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes indeed!
Stretch Marks? Dudes, for serious.
Sleep? Besides the 2 trips to the bathroom I toss and turn all night because I don't breath very well.
Best moment this week? Running all around town with Angie looking for light blue tissue paper.
Food cravings? Negatory.
Gender: Penis! And speaking of penises (or should that be Peni?) We have officially decided that baby will NOT be circumcised. We have been leaning that way for a while but after seeing this video we are certain there is no way we are doing that to our little dude.
Movement: At times it feels like he is trying to bust out of my belly Space Balls style.
Labor signs? Thankfully, no. There have been a lot of sources saying that I should have started feeling Braxton Hicks for some time, but if I have I haven't really noticed them.
Belly button, in or out? In, but I'm not sure how much longer it will stay like that. It has been feeling really sensitive this week and the idea of it popping out really freaks me out.
What I miss? Being able to stand for more than 5 minutes without my back sending waves of pain throughout my body.
What am I looking forward to? Our baby shower cookout!
Weekly wisdom? Don't worry be happy!
Milestones: 10 weeks away!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
We Have a Squash!

Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped me off) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though they don’t coincide with mine. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments!
So I haven't been great about the whole belly pictures thing. I was trying to do it every 2 weeks, but, ya know, time got away from me...or something like that. Actually, I just haven't been that into documenting my growing girth. But, for those interested (all 2 readers) here you go!
Here is the covered version:

Here is the nekkid version:

I cannot believe how much bigger my stomach has gotten in 6 weeks! I remember thinking what a big belly I had at 22 weeks and now looking at it, it looks so small! Oh, and for all you jerks who were wondering, yes, I have photoshopped out my stretch marks. Those just shouldn't be put on public internet display!
How far along? 29 weeks 1 day!
Weight Loss/Gain? +9 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yes indeed!
Stretch Marks? They call me Stretch Mark McGee.
Sleep? Congestion has been making me snore, poor Grant has been losing sleep b/c of it! LOL
Best moment this week? Watching lost with Grant.
Food cravings? No cravings really, but I have noticed my appetite increasing for the first time during this pregnancy.
Gender: Penis!
Movement: It is strange that I feel more than kicks and punches now. I feel when he is squirming around. It feels like he is doing a jig!
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In, but I'm not sure how much longer it will stay like that.
What I miss? My energy.
What am I looking forward to? Our baby shower cookout!
Weekly wisdom? 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Milestones: I got my first stranger comment about my pregnancy.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
28 Weeks!
How far along? 28 weeks 2 days!
Weight Loss/Gain? +7 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yup
Stretch Marks? Yes and they are multiplying as I type this.
Sleep? I've been sleeping OK, except I have been really congested so occasionally I wake up unable to breath.
Best moment this week? Book club meeting discussing To Kill a Mockingbird.
Food cravings? Not really, but I made Grant do his first ice cream run and used the pregnant wife card.
Gender: Penis! But Grant and I were talking about what the heck we would do if it came out a girl.
Movement: It has turned from kicks to full body ram.
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In,In,In!
What I miss? Being able to breath out of my nose.
What am I looking forward to? Our baby shower cookout!
Weekly wisdom? Just go with it.
Milestones: I passed the 1 hour glucose test AND I'm officially in the 3rd trimester!!!
Weight Loss/Gain? +7 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yup
Stretch Marks? Yes and they are multiplying as I type this.
Sleep? I've been sleeping OK, except I have been really congested so occasionally I wake up unable to breath.
Best moment this week? Book club meeting discussing To Kill a Mockingbird.
Food cravings? Not really, but I made Grant do his first ice cream run and used the pregnant wife card.
Gender: Penis! But Grant and I were talking about what the heck we would do if it came out a girl.
Movement: It has turned from kicks to full body ram.
Labor signs? Thankfully, no.
Belly button, in or out? In,In,In!
What I miss? Being able to breath out of my nose.
What am I looking forward to? Our baby shower cookout!
Weekly wisdom? Just go with it.
Milestones: I passed the 1 hour glucose test AND I'm officially in the 3rd trimester!!!
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